

August 25th, 5pm

It was approximately 17.00 hours Sunday afternoon, August 25th. in a back yard 40 miles west of Ottawa.  I had been working all afternoon and decided to take a rest on the lounge in the back yard patio. I had just laid down and was amazed at how clear and blue the sky was. I noticed a jet in the far distance going  north to south and could see the jet stream behind it when all of a sudden a object going west to east caught my eye. It was going at a incredible speed  that I barely had time to sit up and watch it go out of sight. It obviously was metalic as it was glowing and flashing in the sunlight and appeared to be  circular in shape although I'm not sure as I only saw it for a instant before it  disappeared. There was absolutely no noise from this object as you would normally hear from an airplane or other conventional flying apparatus. Being in the country I often watch planes or helicopters going over at different heights  however never in my life have I ever seen a object move that fast and disappear out of sight so quick and not make a sound. It didn’t appear to be that high however I can't truthfully say although it was well below the jet I was watching  and in comparison appeared to be small in size. It went in a straight line and disappeared out of sight in the east.

Our personal thanks go to the witness for this report.