
Ottawa ON  March 29th 7:50pm

I was out last night taking out the garbage after sunset at around 7:50pm and noticed a light moving across the sky directly above me. I am familiar with most types of commercial and private aircraft since my home falls within normal flight paths of air traffic (incoming and outgoing aircraft) for Ottawa international Airport. The light I saw displayed none of the usual flashing navigational, running, collision lights and moved quickly and steadily from west to east. It was a steady white light, with no pulsing or flashing, no noise and maintained it's course and speed during the entire event. I just checked out Heavens and a satellite tracking link there and found that what I am 99% sure is what I a saw was the ISS (International Space Station). The information provided on the website matches time, direction, and duration with my sighting.

Our thanks to HBCC UFO Research