
Mississauga ON - September 23rd 9:40pm

Three dull orange lights of constant luminescence each the size of a pencil eraser held at arms length, in a more or less straight line formation. The formation was at an angle of between 10 to 30 degrees off the line of travel, varying that angle over the duration of the sighting.Formation length was about the length of observers thumb as seen at arms length. Line of travel was from the north west to the south east. This corresponds to the direction from toronto int'l airport to lake ontario. There are many aircraft in the air space in the duration of the day where observation took place. None take this flight path. There was no sound coming from the formation, at least not audible by the observer. Sky was clear with no wind. Light of formation could have been the reflection caused by city street lighting, if the object(s)were of a reflective material such as polished aluminum. Observer watches night/day sky often and has come to know the difference between known aircraft or birds and for example this observation. It was not the first time. People look up at the sky, you'll be amazed