
November 2006 on a Friday night, approximately 8:15pm, down-town Toronto, near Spadina and College I witnessed something that has stayed with me ever since.  That night will always stay in my mind.  That night, without a single doubt, I and two other people experienced a UFO encounter.    

I was walking along College, heading West, when I noticed these two guys looking up into the night sky.  I looked up but didn't notice anything, just a few stars, or so I thought.  I asked what they were looking at and they pointed right to it. A star "like" object moving casually from East to West with a bit of a waver,  side to side like movement as it moved forward.  OMG a Ufo I thought right away. It wasn't a plane, not a bird, not a ballon.  It looked like a star, as bright and as big as the North star, but a bit more white in colour.  After a few minutes it went out of view, still heading West.  And this is where it gets really strange. 

I noticed a helicopter and a small plane, Cessna?, flying around in circular fashion over head and out from the corner of my eye another Ufo, exactly like the one before, is coming into my view from the East, heading West. The movement was identical to the first object I saw. It too had a bit of a swagger as it moved forward at a casual speed East to West. Then it was almost gone from my view when another one appeared from the East going West again.  Then a minute later a saw a cluster of 5 or 6 of them , moving uniformly from East to West. They almost seemed to "dance" with one another as the cluster traversed the night sky.  Then another 2 or 3 single ones. And one more cluster after that and finally 3 to 5 more single ones. 

This entire event took  about 20 - 25 minutes. I called everyone I knew but no one answered.  The two guys had gone their own way after we saw the first 2 objects.  There I was looking up at the sky, looking for more, but all was normal.  Not a a sign of what I just witnessed was left, except for the plane and helicopter that were probably investigating the very same objects I had just seen and now were  flying off into the distance.  Imagine seeing 20 -25 identical objects in the night sky, and not being able to come up with a reasonable explanation, other than the simple truth, that we are not alone.

 Our thanks to the witness for sharing this information with us. The exact date could be either the 10th or 17th of November 2006. If you have also seen this event or have experienced something similar please contact us.