
*UFO Encounter Fall 1971                                                      

For what it's worth, in the Fall of 1971 I had an intense encounter in Ontario, Canada about 75 miles from anywhere. We were on a road that had about a 150 mile stretch between major towns (a couple of really small towns were here and there, but they were really far apart). It was an incredibly clear night, no moon, no lights from civilization to disrupt the view. We were bored. There were four of us in the car. My husband of the time was driving, I was sitting in the middle and our friend Yvonne was sitting beside the passenger window. Our friend Darryl was laying in the back seat taking a nap.

Since Yvonne was bored, she was watching the sky. She saw two objects that were quite bright and seemed to be chasing each other. She pointed them out. All of us started to watch these objects (we woke up Darryl in the back seat). There were clearly disc shaped and made no discernible sound. It was like they were playing tag or having a dog fight. They did impossible things. I saw one go forward incredibly fast, stop instantaneously, and then back up going as fast as it had gone forward. I saw the other one make a ninety degree turn without slowing down.

Rumours about UFOs had been spreading and we had heard about them. (I was born in 1950.) There were various stories. Up until that night I had thought it would be really neat to see one and wasn't afraid of the sky or the night or the stars. We felt some kind of connection with the objects (like in our minds, telepathy). One of the objects left very quickly. It was as if it had completely left our known universe, or solar system, in an instant. When it sped off, I could feel it inside my body (perhaps a low frequency sound wave that can be felt but not heard?). The other craft stayed in the area. At this point I could "hear" myself talking to the occupants and I told them that I had heard about them and that some of them were good and some of them were bad and wondered what kind they were. I clearly heard a "Don't worry. We're just here to watch." I thought back, "Okay. You watch us and we'll watch you." It then came down to just above the treetop level and matched our car speed (which by then was probably around 40). I could see the outline of the trees against the light of the craft. It was clearly a saucer-shaped object and it was spinning. Again there was no sound, even though it was now so close, but again I could "feel" it inside my body.

Did I mention that it was around 2 am or so when we first sighted these objects and that it was 75 miles to the next town?

At that point, my conscious memory picks up when we are approaching the next town and the sun is coming up. We are all four quite wide awake and talking about what we just witnessed and trying to decide what, if anything, we should do about it. We thought about going to the police, then figured that a) they wouldn't believe us and think we were crazy or on drugs (which we weren't at the time), or b) if they did believe us and went to check it out it was so far away, and the craft was so fast, there was little likelihood that it would still be there, so there would be nothing for them to find, and then we would be back to a. So, we didn't tell anyone.

This happened in September, around labour day. Up north. At that time of year, the sun is starting to come up later in the day. We were only 75 miles away from the next town when the experience started. At the beginning we were doing average highway speeds (around 55). No matter how I calculate it, I have some missing the minimum several hours. The fact that everything was so clear up to the moment that the craft matched our car speed, and then there is this huge gap (we never saw it leave, it just suddenly wasn't there anymore) is highly suspicious. From that night on, I started years of nightmares about being trapped on a spaceship trying to hide and not having anywhere to go. I was terrified of the night sky. I definitely did NOT like the idea of EVER seeing one of those objects ever again.

Through hypnosis (I finally couldn't stand it anymore) I recreated/recaptured the events that I could not consciously remember. Of course, I will always wonder whether those recaptured memories are accurate or not, since my conscious mind did not have those memory patterns. But considering the event, the loss of time, and the ensuing nightmares and fear, I can only assume that some traumatic event took place that night.

My opinion is that there is, without a doubt, something going on, and it frustrates me that we have people who think it's "funny" to create fake evidence and fool us (like we're all stupid for believing them) and people who aren't willing to look at what evidence there is and try and figure out what is actually going on. I, from my experience, do not believe that this is a benign phenomena. Whatever it is, whether it's beings from another planet, another plane of reality, the future us, a manifestation of our subconscious that has infected the human race, it was not a pleasant or beneficial experience for me, or for a lot of ordinary people out there. We need to know more.

For what it's worth, though, I do believe that something happened to me. I have no hidden agenda. I know what I saw, and there was no moon, or clouds, or swamp gas, or drugs, or reason for us to make up such an encounter. I have driven on deserted roads in the dark before and since and not seen a thing.