
Smiths Falls ON         

January 29th 12pm

I looked out my window facing South-West and this long, almond shaped object appeared out of nowhere and began to move across the sky. It looked metalic and the sun shining off of it was so bright it hurt my eyes to watch. It took about five seconds for it to move from one side of the visible sky to the other. I tried to follow it but just as I was about to move to the next room it blurred slightly and I could no longer see it. But I could hear it. It made a very high-pitched humming sound, but it was very quiet. I had to strain to hear it.

Then I saw another craft, but it was human. I could tell because of the slow movement and the trail of white smoke from behind. It followed almost the same path, but went past the spot the craft had vanished at. After a while anothercame by from a different angle, and another after that. They seemed to be trying to locate it.

Our thanks to NUFORC