
Acton ON April 24th 8:30pm

A witness called to file a report on what he and his wife saw back on April 24, 2004 at 8:30 p.m. The witnesses also said they took photos of what was witnessed which was numerous lights flying around the sky in an unusual formation.. The gentleman's wife was the first to spot the strange lights from an upstairs window. The lady called to her husband and when he got to the window she asked, "what is that"? The husband first thought it was an airplane a fair distance away from them but moving closer towards their direction.

What started the couple thinking, was that whatever it was, moved along the horizon and eventfully passed from their line of sight due to a large pine tree which got in the way. Shortly after they lost sight of it, it came back into their view and again sat stationary. Six to seven minutes later the object still remaining stationary the two witnesses noticed two more smaller lights which appeared on either side of the larger light which they had already been observing. Seeing this was turning out to be really unusual the couple jumped into their car to see if they might be able to get a better look at the objects. They eventually reached a good location as to where they could watch the lights. They had pulled off the highway beside a farmers field and this is when they started taking the photos of the objects. The fellow told me at this point he is a bit of a skeptic when it comes to these matters, but after watching the strange lights in the sky he is re-thinking the whole topic on UFOs.

Still observing the three lights, one of the smaller objects shot off away from the larger object at a incredible rate of speed. While still watching, another light which was sitting stationary, started to flicker out. Then all of a sudden in about 2 seconds it was in another location of the sky hovering. Another light appeared, taking the place of the light that just had flickered out. In total there were 5 to 6 lights sitting in the sky at one time. The fellow said it certainly was a formation of lights, one large one and all the rest were smaller in size. The large light was extremely bright and the other smaller ones were a lot dimmer.

The couple were certainly baffled over what they were seeing.

Our thanks to HBCC UFO Research