
Toronto ON                

June 23rd 12:50PM

I live in the Spadina/Dupont area of downtown Toronto. My roommate and I were sitting on our patio when I noticed a base-ball sized dimly glowing object in the sky directly above my house (My patio is on the roof). I immediately told my roomate to look up, he saw it instantly as it was clearly visible to the both of us.

The object was circular, glowing a very dim white light. I couldn't make out any other physical details other than its circular shape. It passed directly over us, moving in a westwardly direction along dupont avenue making a number of amazing turning maneouvers and moving at a seemingly incredible rate. After about 10-15 seconds it was on the western horizon no longer visible.

This thing made absolutely no sound. When I first caught a glipse of it in my periphery, I assumed that it was a bird or something similar, because of the way it was gently flopping around in the sky and thelack of noise. However, after fixing my gaze on it I immediately realized that this was something I had never seen before.

Our Thanks To NUFORC