
Omemee ON                               

August 29th 7:35pm

At approx. 7:35pm my wife and I were sitting on the end of our dock, my wife fishing and myself just sitting there waiting to admire a sun set. My dock faces almost straight north and our property is at the south end of Pigeon Lake looking down the lake, not across it. The sky to the north was fairly cloud covered and to the north east it looked as though a thunder storm was brewing. As I looked north towards a couple of boats fishing about 200 meters from our shore I spotted what looked like a dark cloud very low in the sky moving quickly from west to east in the distance behind the boats. As I was just about to point it out to my wife, it suddenly stopped and changed direction and began moving east to west, after a short distance it changed direction again to travel west to east. At this time my wife saw it to and we watched it continue east and out of sight. I ran to the house and got my digital camera but after an half an hour or so of waiting and watching nothing appeared. My wife and both agree we have never seen anything like this before and are at a loss to explain it. I am usually a logical person and believe that all things can be explained but I'm stomped. I would gladly take a lie detector test to recount what I saw. An explanation would greatly be appreciated. Thanks.

Our thanks to NUFORC