
Belle River ON   March 10th 2007 10 - 10:15pm

I submitted a report to your site dated Septembre 26,2006. My last sentence, was I wished I could have stayed out longer or something like that I probably would have seen more. I have seen numerous ufos since then. The sightings lessened in the winter months however the most recent have been in March 2007.
On March 10 I witnessed two parallel gliding white vibrating fast travelling about 1000 ft or less altitude, approach my area from the east and veer off to the south.

These were not planes they were not even lit, they were more of a hazy white in colour.  The shape of them I could best draw the comparison of to a jack (children's game) when it is spun as fast as possible.

About 15 minutes later that same evening I witnessed 3 of the same, but at a higher altitude (maybe 10000ft) at high speed go from southwest to northeast. Again not planes or military craft no noise accompanied these objects. I have seen objects in groups previously as well. I have had too many sightings to describe at this time. I had never had a sighting until September 26 2006 but that has changed now.

Our thanks to the witness for sharing these reports.