
Chelmsford Ontario (Near Sudbury)  Various dates and times. A lifetime of UFO experiences has left our reader with the knowledge that we are not alone.

"We are not alone.I discovered this at around age eight. I was at my aunt and uncle`s camp on Vermilion river. My older brother and cousin were also with me. We could all see a light traveling quickly in a cross manner( like the cross Christ was crucified on. It moved so quickly that the trailing light formed a cross shape in the sky. After several minutes it stopped moving. My uncle had at this point grabbed a pair of binoculars and we each took turns looking at it. It was saucer shaped and had different coloured lights forming a ring around the center. It stayed for a long time motionless and eventually we all retired for the night. I thought the message was quite clear.My second experience wasn't a sighting but instead a mark left on my right palm shaped like what I believed was the peace sign(upside down Y). I was about age 12 when I awoke in the morning with a tingling sensation on my right palm, like pins and needles. I then noticed the mark which was not there the previous day. It was done so well it still shows though one of the lines is fading. It took me several years to realize that humans have the peace sign as an upside down Y with the line continuing through to the bottom. I think they marked me with what I seen as the peace symbol.Throughout my teenage years the activity increased and I began to see crafts more frequently though have no conscious recollection of any physical encounters with sentient beings. Overall I must have seen a dozen craft. Most would just fly up and hover, then fly away. Another like in my childhood put on a bigger display. It would begin to glow bright orange like the sun setting(originally it was shiny metallic) then in an instant shrink into nothing and then grow back out, doing this several times before disappearing completely. My younger brother was present for that one but most sightings were when I was alone I stopped questioning at a very young age and with good reason. We are not alone."

Our thanks to this witness for coming forward and sharing these experiences with us.